Lord tonight I choose you.....
I choose peace....
I choose your way not mine....
I choose to embrace this gift.....
I choose victory for your glory....
These were the cries of my heart tonight & God confirmed my thoughts, prayers & emotions with this Psalm, tilted.....
(Confidence in the Lord)
Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing
You hold my future.
The Boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me-
even at night my conscience instructs me
I keep the Lord in mind always.
Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
Therefor my heart is glad,
and my spirit rejoices;
and my body rests securely.
For you will not abandon me to-Sheol
You will not allow Your faithful One to see the Pit.
You reveal the path of life to me;
in Your presence is abundant joy;
in Your right hand are eternal pleasures.
(Psalm 16:5-11) Amen...Good Night:)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Peace & Confidence
Posted by Nunez Family at 10:55 PM 1 comments
Tomorrow at this time we will have started our journey across the world to partake in the most amazing day of our lives!!! The feelings are unexplainable, but we have never had such greater joy. Our lil' boy awaits his mommy & daddy & soon we will get to meet. Oh how this day has run in my head a million times...WOW! Only God could have created & timed an event like this! Glory to Him!!!
Friends & Family, we don't even know how to thank you, but all of you have made this experience so much more fulfilling. Everyone of you have touched our hearts in wondrous ways! Thank you for the excitement you have for us, for the anticipation to meet lil' man, for the support & love that flowed in amazing ways, for showering us with gifts & showers but most of all for blessing us with your thoughts & prayers!!!! God has heard them all...Sam & I finally get to bring home our baby:))))) Praise God forever & ever...Amen!
We will do our very best to update as we travel.....so follow along:)
Posted by Nunez Family at 8:54 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
another test
Ana Nunez
When your life is on the go—take your life with you. Try Windows Mobile® today
Posted by Nunez Family at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Sam Nunez
Posted by Nunez Family at 10:35 PM 0 comments
3 days to go....
Posted by Nunez Family at 12:01 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
From Daddy...
Is this real? Are these feelings real? Are the dreams, desires, passions, and yearnings of my heart really manifesting before my eyes???? Is this true? Trying to hold back tears of joy as I write this I continue to ask myself...Is this honestly our time? Can I honestly be at a point where ALL the early hurting, tears, pain, doubt, and anger have faded? Can I really sit back and look at the wanting eyes of my new little guy and say "He's mine!?" Am I really at the point where I get to show a little treasure what love, caring, compassion, fun, laughter, devotion, and hope is? Do I really get to do that? Is this real? The tears are falling........................
The excitment is setting in, but the honesty of overpowering emotions are getting the best of me...the BEST of me. Can this be real? My new little man in MY arms??? Really??? More tears flow.......
There have only been 2 times in my life that I have felt the way I do today. In the locker room before a game with butterflies and nerves ripping through my confidence. And second, on my wedding day. Right before me and my boys took the isle to claim what God had given me in my wife. And now this. A lifelong treasure and sacrifice that is worth every little bit of the process.
Siah...........Hold on buddy, I'm coming!
Just my thoughts and feelings......
Posted by Nunez Family at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
9 days to go......
Wahoo..... We officially booked our tickets yesterday...somebody pinch me!!! Not sure how to put in to words all I feel. I have butterflies, nerves, excitement, anxiousness.... but mostly an overwhelming sense of joy in my heart! My baby boy will be in my arms in about 12 days. God is so faithfull! I can't thank him enough for the gift of a child.
For those of you that are following along, we leave Nov 1st at 7:30am. We stop in WA-DC,( 5 hour lay over Yikes!) then make 1 stop in Rome ( no lay over though) Then final stop to Addis Abba, Ethiopia, Arrive at 7:30pm on Nov 2nd (Craziness)
Well, the packing has begun! The packing lists are long & detailed...there is stuff every where in our house. Poor Chewy, he is so confused:( Keep chking the blog, we will posting while we travel.
Count Down....9 days!!!!!
Posted by Nunez Family at 11:22 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
We are very excited to announce that EVERYTHING is official. Our little King is finally coming home! We were notified today that we passed court in Ethiopia and we are traveling November 2nd! We understand that mass amounts of prayer, thoughts, and anticipation were displayed during this time of waiting. Our hearts are full to know that there are sooo many people waiting for the day we step foot on US soil with our new little man!
With that being said...We would like to introduce all of you to our new found king! Josiah Desalegn Ramon Nunez!
Posted by Nunez Family at 10:13 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Faith Tested
Today I feel a lot of anxiety as we wait to hear if we passed court in ET. All we know it will be sometime this week. So every day I'm anticipating the call. I've already had to "unknown" calls on my cell...My heart seriously jumps out of my body when I see that! God's love is amazing in the things he does to reassure us he is with us.
One of the unknown calls today was actually a woman from a program that we have helped out in the past & she just called to say she was praying for our family today & asked what specifically they could be praying for....Um Hello! Wow, Thank you Lord I needed that call:)
Also while I was working & was calling one of my nurses about a shift and her son "Josiah" answered the phone. Not that big a deal, but the yearning for my son is so intense these days, that just hearing his name melts my heart
None of this means we passed court or anything, but It just gave me some peace in mt heart and reminded me he knows the plan and regardless he will carry us through the rest of the way just as he has up until this point. And that he has his care & hand upon Josiah until we come!!
Last night as my family & I went to church. my heart was convicted that my eyes need to stay focused on Him. And just like I desire for my son to come home so bad. He wanted me to remember that I should desire Him to come back with the same anticipation for the day of His return. That will be a glorious day:)
I gotta remember God is bigger than all of this & His ultimate plan will unfold for the lives of these children to come home to their Families. Just like I've learned & am always learning...All in his timing, not ours.
My sweet Josiah, I pray.....
" May the LORD bless you and keep you; May the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; May the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." ( Numbers 6:22)
Mommy and Daddy are coming soon:)
Posted by Nunez Family at 12:39 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Results of Fundraiser & Statistics
The sweet families we met. We will all have our babies soon!!! Thank you Holly & Kari for sharring your babes with us. It makes it so real to see them in the arms of their new loving families:)
Nathaniel.....Is such a love muffin'. Too Cue!!!
Duni's son Caleb...what a ham:)
Our wonderful coordinator Duni. She fights hard so we can all get our children home!!
1 in 10
1 in 6
Main causes of early childhood deaths (2005)
Diarrhea and pneumonia
Orphans, 2003 estimate (2006)
4 million
Children under age 5 stunted from lack of nutrition (2006)
Over 50%
Posted by Nunez Family at 4:13 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Josiah's Room
Yea, Josiah's room is done. We had so much fun putting it together. Well I had fun, Sam is tapped out of Projects around the house! He has been such a good sport helping me with all the details of getting the room ready:) We didn't realise all we had to do to prepare for this little bundle to enter our lives. Its hard to believe we really have a nursery in the house. I have envisioned this room for so many years & now it's here!!! All we need now is our lil' King Josiah!
"Mom please stop"
I had to put him in the crib (Hee Hee)....Not a happy dog~ He is mad at mama:(
Posted by Nunez Family at 11:26 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Posted by Nunez Family at 9:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Another Family Shower:)
Thank you sweet families for coming out & showering us with Love! We had a blast sharing our resent updates & spending time with all of you. Hope you all enjoyed my Mom's home cookin' too!! All of you hold a huge place in our hearts...Thanks again:)
Ma & Pa passed down Sam's childhood Christian Mother Goose book. And the Guardian angle print for Siah. We were so touched!!!!
Posted by Nunez Family at 9:37 PM 0 comments